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How do I set up visual voicemail?

What is visual voicemail?

Visual voicemail allows you to view all of your voicemail messages at once, similar to your email inbox. Instead of having to listen to them in order, you simply scroll to the one you want to hear and press play. And if you’d rather not listen to the message at all, some visual voicemail apps can transcribe your voicemails into text and even send them to you via SMS or email.

How do I get visual voicemail with Mint Mobile?

There are two ways to get visual voicemail on your phone: either it’s already built in or you have to download a third party app. Some phone manufacturers support visual voicemail on the Mint network, while others require a third party app in order to use visual voicemail. If you’re using an iPhone 6 or a newer model with Mint Mobile, visual voicemail should be on your phone already. If you have an Android phone, you may need to download a third party app. 

Keep reading to learn how to set up visual voicemail on:

  • iPhone
  • Google Pixel Phones
  • Motorola Phones
  • Other Android Phones

Visual voicemail on an iPhone

If you brought your iPhone along from another carrier when you switched to Mint Mobile, your visual voicemail should just need a quick refresh. Call yourself (or have a friend call you) and leave a voicemail. Receiving a new voicemail should cause whatever voicemails you had saved in your phone to repopulate in your inbox.

Setting up visual voicemail on iPhone

  1. Open up the Phone app
  2. Tap Voicemail
  3. Tap Set up
  4. Create a voicemail password
  5. Confirm your voicemail password
  6. Choose a greeting – default or custom
    • If you choose Custom, record a new greeting
  7. Tap Save

How to troubleshoot my visual voicemail on iPhone

There are a few different reasons why your iPhone voicemail might be giving you trouble. Luckily, they’re pretty simple to troubleshoot:

  • Your inbox might be full
    1. Tap the Phone app on your home screen
    2. Select Voicemail
    3. Tap Edit in the top right corner
    4. Select whichever voicemails you’re willing to delete
    5. Tap the trash can icon
  • It could be a software glitch
    • Try restarting your phone to see if that clears things up. If not, check to see if your phone’s software is up-to-date.
  • You might have to contact your carrier
    • Voicemail is a feature provided by your wireless carrier, so if you’re unable to set it up on your iPhone or still have difficulties with your voicemail after trying these steps, you’ll need to reach out to your carrier

For more info about your iPhone’s visual voicemail capabilities, Apple Support has you covered.

Third-party visual voicemail options for Android phones

If you’re using one of the many Android phones that doesn’t have visual voicemail built in, don’t fret. There are several visual voicemail apps to choose from in the Play Store (or the Galaxy Apps store if you’re on a Samsung). For Samsung phones, for example, we recommend MyVVM

Check out the features and read reviews to decide which one makes the most sense for you. After you download a visual voicemail app, you’ll need to follow the steps provided by the app developer to get it set up on Mint Mobile’s network.

How to troubleshoot my visual voicemail on Android

There are a few different reasons why your Android voicemail might be giving you trouble. Luckily, they’re pretty simple to troubleshoot.

  • It could be a software glitch
    • Try restarting your phone to see if that clears things up. If not, check to see if your phone’s software is up-to-date.
  • You might have to contact your carrier
    • Voicemail is a feature provided by your wireless carrier, so if you’re unable to set it up on your Android or still have difficulties, you’ll need to reach out to your carrier
  • Uninstall and reinstall the visual voicemail app
    • Sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling will fix the issue.

If you’re more of a visual learner, we’ve also included a how-to-video: