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How Mint Mobile gave this professional the flexible, reliable phone plan she needed

By Ashley Burnett

Originally published August 15, 2024


Last Updated August 21, 2024

Picture of Jackie with this quote “I’m saving money and the service is better.”

For many of us, phones have become a huge part of both our personal and working lives. That’s why it’s so critical to find a wireless carrier that can accommodate both — which is exactly what Engineer & Software Developer Jackie Lane from Redondo Beach, CA found in Mint Mobile.

In this article

Frustrated by bad connections, Jackie gave Mint a try

While using a previous carrier, Jackie and her husband frequently experienced dropped calls and other tech issues. Looking for a solution, they searched for a new provider. Enter: Mint. “[My husband] heard about Mint Mobile and that they had a really good trial period where we could just get an eSIM card and try it out,” Jackie says. “We really liked it.”

Picture of Jackie with this quote “I’m saving money and the service is better.”

After switching, those tech issues became a thing of the past. “We stopped having all those dropped call issues,” Jackie says. “So it was pretty much a no-brainer decision. I’m saving money and the service is better.”
And consistent service is important, since Jackie is always on the road for work. “I travel throughout the U.S. to work on various projects as they come up,” Jackie says. “In all the places that I’ve been to, I’ve had fantastic service. No issues.” Mint provides fast, reliable coverage on the largest 5G network in the United States*, so wherever your travels take you throughout the country, you can rest assured we’ve got you covered.

Jackie saying "I really like that with Mint Mobile, I can select the plan that works best for me"

Finding a plan that fits her needs — not the other way around

In addition to the reliability, Jackie loves Mint’s flexibility. “I really like that with Mint Mobile, I can select the plan that works best for me,” she says. “I like being able to pay for something that’s a little less expensive. I don’t need to pay a lot more money for something I’m never going to use.”

Since Jackie travels so much as a working professional, Jackie’s perfect plan fit might surprise you. “I’m on the cheapest of the Mint Mobile plans,” Jackie explains. “I just have 5GB a month, and that’s all that I need. By switching to Mint, I’ve saved so much money.” 

Your own perfect plan fit might surprise you, too, since 5GB can go much further than you think. That’s why it’s important to find out how much data you need, instead of going with a one-size-fits-all unlimited plan like most carriers offer.

Jackie saying "When I meet someone who's never heard about Mint Mobile, I try to convince them what a no-brainer of a switch it would be"

“A no-brainer of a switch”

Jackie loves Mint so much that she tries to share the love whenever she can. “When I meet someone who’s never heard about Mint Mobile, I try to convince them what a no-brainer of a switch it would be,” Jackie says. “There’s really no drawbacks that I’ve found. I’ve only found really good service at a much lower price tag.” 
Maybe Jackie has convinced you, too, that switching to Mint Mobile is a “no-brainer.” Or you could always hear from other real-life Mint customers like Ovid, Cam, Blue or Tatiana

Fully convinced? Tap the button below to find out even more about what makes Mint Mobile good and how we can help you do more.

*5G and/or 4G LTE access req’s capable device w/in appropriate coverage area. Actual availability, speed & coverage may vary.

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